You'll never miss my FB posts this way!
Thanks for wanting to not ever miss my FB posts!!!!
Here's 3 EASY STEPS on how you will make sure to see, engage, like, love, share, etc on my Facebook posts from here on out! We've got so much in store, and I'm so excited to share and allow you to share the goodness with your associates, coworkers, friends and family!

Go to my FB page:
Go to my FB page:
Click "Like" and "Follow" (if you haven't already)
Click "Like" and "Follow" (if you haven't already)
Place your mouse, if you're on a desktop, over the "Follow" button, and if you're on your phone click the "Follow" button, and you will see a list of actions. Check off "See First" under the IN YOUR NEWS FEED section and check off "On (Posts)" under the NOTIFICATIONS section.
Place your mouse, if you're on a desktop, over the "Follow" button, and if you're on your phone click the "Follow" button, and you will see a list of actions. Check off "See First" under the IN YOUR NEWS FEED section and check off "On (Posts)" under the NOTIFICATIONS section.
YOU'RE ALL SET!!! SEE YOU ON MY NEXT POST! When you comment hashtag #FAM so I know you're coming from my FAM Mail list! 😉👑🙌🏾🕎