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p.s. DID YOU KNOW that MUSIC, and specifically SINGING music, is one of  the Creator's natural healing medicines? So, SING WITH ME!

Health and other benefits of singing and just music in general:

Physical Benefits

  1. "The tongue is easy to dupe." says Jonah Lehrer at Wired. An $8 chardonnay can easily get a little help from Tina Turner. A group of researchers say certain types of music can "enhance" the way wine tastes by up to 60 percent up to 60 percent. In a study, wine-drinkers rated white wine as 40 percent more refreshing when it was accompanied by "zingy and refreshing" music ("Just Can't Get Enough" by Nouvelle Vague was their go-to zingy song). The taste of red wine was altered 60 percent by "powerful and heavy music" like Orff's "Carmina Burana." 

  2. If you are a wine store owner suffering from an overstock of German vino? Try pumping some German tunes through your store. A 1999 study showed that doing so boosted German wine sales, and similarly, playing French music boosted French wine sales. Customers said they were completely oblivious to what music was being played. 
  3. A 2009 comparing two groups of second graders from similar demographics suggests learning music boosts reading abilities. The only major difference between the two groups was that one learned music notation, sight-reading and other skills, while the control group did not. Each group was tested for literacy before and after the school year. The end-of-year scores for the control group improved only slightly from their beginning of the year scores, while the kids with a music education scored "significantly higher" especially on vocabulary tests.
  4. In 2005, a UK study found that listening to music during sports training can boost athletic performance by up to 20 percent. That's roughly equal to the boost some athletes get from illegal performance-enhancing drugs, except music doesn't show up on a drug test. For best results, try music with a fast tempo during intense training and slower songs during cooldown.
  5. Music can help patients who are recovering from heart attacks and heart surgery by lowering blood pressure, slowing the heart rate and reducing anxiety. As a preventative, try listening to "joyful music", or songs that make you feel good. Research says listening to songs that evoke a sense of joy causes increased circulation and expanded blood vessels, which encourages good vascular health.
  6. A study of 163 adults, 74 of them lifelong musicians, had participants take a series of hearing tests. The lifelong musicians processed sound better than non-musicians, with the gap widening with age. "A 70-year-old musician understood speech in a noisy environment as well as a 50-year-old non-musician," explains Linda Searling at the Washington Post.
  7. If you want the neighbor kids to get off your lawn, turn up the Tchaikovsky. Teenagers typically don't like classical music. In fact, they dislike it so much that "it sends them scurrying away like frightened mice," says the LA Times.
  8. A study of autistic children who couldn't speak found that music therapy helped these children articulate words. Some of these kids said their first words ever as a result of the treatment.
  9. When given a rhythm to walk or dance to, people with neurological damage caused by stroke or Parkinson's disease can "regain a symmetrical stride and a sense of balance." The beats in music help serve as a footstep cue for the brain. 
  10. Studies show that singing strengthens your immune system!
  11. Singing is a light daily workout!
  12. Bad posture? Singing improves your posture because you are naturally inclined to sit or stand upright when you sing! 
  13. Sleep apnea? Singing helps with getting better sleep! 
  14. Good efffects of calm music for plant growth.
  15. Music Can Improve Cognitive Performance

  16. Music Can Reduce Stress

  17. Music Can Help You Eat Less

  18. Music Can Improve Your Memory

  19. Music Can Help Manage Pain


  20. Music May Help You Sleep Better


  21. Music Can Improve Motivation


  22. Music Can Improve Mood


  23. Music May Reduce Symptoms of Depression


  24. Music Can Improve Endurance and Performance

  25. A team of Canadian researchers found that playing music to preemies reduced their pain levels and encouraged better feeding habits, which in turn helped with weight gain.

Emotional/Psychological Benefits

  1. In a 2008 study, researcher Tobias Greitemeyer wanted to study how lyrics impacted teenagers' attitudes and behavior. To do so, he exposed one group of teens to "socially conscious" songs with a positive message, like Michael Jackson's "Heal the World." Another other group listened to songs with a "neutral" message. The researchers then "accidentally" knocked over a cup of pencils. The group listening to positive songs not only rushed to help more quickly, but picked up five times as many pencils as the other group.
  2. Singing is a Natural anti-depressant!
  3. Singing Lowers stress levels!
  4. Singing Improves mental alertness!

Social Benefits

  1. Singing Boosts confidence!
  2. Singing can widen your circle of friends!
  3. Singing increases appreciation for other singers and talented persons!

"What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also."
~ Beloved Apostle Paul; 1 Corinthians 14:15